All Members need to fill in this Online Member's Data Form |
Nagpur Branch of WIRC Of ICAI is in the process of printing the New Members Directory and is looking forward for co-operation of members to fill in this Online Member's Directory Data Form with complete details to printing the Directory with latest & correct updated information of all the Members of NAGPUR BRANCH OF WIRC OF ICAI ICAI Bhawan, 20/1, Dhantoli, Nagpur - 440 012. Maharastra, INDIA. Phone: (071) - 2244 3968, Website: www.nagpuricai.org, E-mail : nagpur@icai.org |
The purpose of this form is to update the Members' Data and printing of the new updated members' directory. This directory will be helpful for all the members in the profession. All the members need to fill in this Online Member's Directory Data Form to update their data. |
Note : Even if there is no change in the members' data as per the last directory, All the members need to fill in this Online Member's Directory Data Form to update their data and attach a passport size photograph in JPEG or JPG format of size:3.5 x 4.5 cm and not exceeding 150kb. |
Seeking your Co operation. |
If you have already filled Online Member's Directory Data Form on / after 15-May-2018 and you want to edit or modify your membership details, please Click here. |